Tailored and reliable medical coding services for healthcare systems and hospitals. Download the Hospital and Professional Fee Coding brochure to learn more.

Tailored and reliable medical coding services for healthcare systems and hospitals. Download the Hospital and Professional Fee Coding brochure to learn more.
Hospital revenue cycle teams improve coding accuracy and increase reimbursement with KIWI-TEK’s fully domestic coding team:
- Meet or lower your current coding costs while outperforming target revenue cycle benchmarks.
- Gain insights about your organization’s coding performance with assessments by provider and department.
- Use qualified, trained coders with deep 1CD-10 expertise and wide range of experience across multiple specialties.

How to Harness the Power of Coding Quality Assurance
By Sarah Humbert
As an HIM director, coding manager or revenue cycle executive, how do you define coding QA? Do you follow specific steps and actions to ensure its effectiveness?
Hospital Coding Benefits
compliance risks due to more accurate, record-based coding
staffing coverage and coding to reduce turnaround times on charts and claims, leading to positive revenue impact
of coding backlogs during staffing shortages due to vacations or FMLA situations
denials, red flags and healthcare audits due to cleaner coding on claims